•Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Inspired by a friend who love scenery photos..
This is some of my personal collection..
Capture thru out my 4 years here..
Enjoy it as I always enjoy it ;)
View of Edinburgh Castle from Princess Garden in 2007
Scotland Highland taken in autumn 2007.. One of my fav ;)

Almost end of Winter 2008 on trip to Scotland Highland
Spring snow in 2008, Queens Park near my house

A loch near Aviemore
Near Glencoe
Bagpipe player on the top of highland.
Near Newport-on-Tay, during X'mas holiday 2008.
St Andrews Beach, X'mas 2008

The colors of Scotland Highland

Loch Ness
On the way to Inverary
Loch Fyne, Inverary

View near Inveraray Castle

Loch Lomond.

Loch Lomond in early morning 2010
Scotland Highland cover in snow 2010
Evening Moon, from princess garden, Edinburgh.

Always my fav photo of Edinburgh
Cairngorm Mountain
George Square, Glasgow

This is some of my personal collection..
Capture thru out my 4 years here..
Enjoy it as I always enjoy it ;)

8 Pengembara:
lawa nye Scotland! igt cite p/s: I love you
cantik2 semua pic.. i memula dok pilih yang cantik tapi makin scrol ke bawah semua pun cantik.. masa i tengah scroll down i dok mintak supaya ada pic loch ness and loch lomond tu hehe.. a friend of mine yg kat edin skrg selalu bercerita pasal dua loch ni hehe..
cantiknya scotland.. untuk u dapat duduk sana.. anyway, salam ramadhan..
lepas ni boleh ler ko wat postcard gambar2 tu...cantik sumernye...
subhanallah.. maha suci Allah yg menjadikan segalanya. dengan gambar saja mampu menerbitkan rasa kerdsbgai hambaNYA. apatah lg akak yg merasainya dgn jasad. tak terucap dgn kata2 melainkan syukur pdNYA.
terima kasih kak kerana berkongsi. moga satu hr nanti sy juga mampu menjejakkan kaki menerokai bumi Allah scotland.
dah dekat dah :)
TQ for stopping by.. Yeah Scotland have lots of beautiful scenery ;)
Yup both loch tuh famous but actually ada byk loch sekitar scotland nie.. cuma 2 tuh yg glemer.. Every year without miss i mesti pusing scotland especially during autumn and spring.. 2 of my fav seasons to capture the colors of scotland highland.. Yg paling I suka the pic of autumn 2007.. dah 3 thn nie i xpenah dapat lagi capture the same color.. the same surrounding like I hv taken in 2007.. walaupun dah byk kali trip i round scotland.. It just one moment in life.. :)
InsyAllah.. buat poskad sendiri jelah heheheh :) I plan nak wat canvas letak frame kat umah
InsyAllah.. kalau duk UK kalau tak pergi ke Scotland.. Amatlah rugi besarrr hehehehe.. the view is magnificient.. I always like scotland view.. In england I like the lake district scenery.. ccantik juga but masih xleh challenge the view in Scotland ;) Nanti boleh singgah2 ye ;)
Lovely! These pictures taken show it all, so sad I was unable to step on it's ground :( thanks Iina you presented it beautifully
I think I know u ;).. Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment.. Yeah I hope u enjoy it as I do.. InsyAllah.. oneday.. u might hv the chances
cantiknya pemandangan kak.....