•Thursday, June 03, 2010
Semasa cuti bank holiday yang lepas kami ambil peluang untuk ke Lake District selama 3 hari. Hari pertama hujan sepanjang hari dan kami tidak berpeluang sangat merakamkan banyak gambar.. dan hari kedua Alhamdullilah cuaca panas dan cerah..
Windermere Lake

National Park Visitor Centre, Cumbria.

Ferry point, Bowness on Windermere

Grizdale Forest Park
Di sini bila bulan November setiap tahun..
Akan jadi lokasi untuk melihat ikan salmon terbang di sungai ini.
The Lake District, also known as, The Lakes or Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England. A popular holiday destination, it is famous for its lakes and its mountains. The central, and most visited, part of the area is contained in the Lake District National Park, the largest of fifteen National Parks in the United Kingdom. It lies entirely within Cumbria, and is one of England's few mountainous regions.

Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. It has been one of the country’s most popular places for holidays and summer homes since 1847, when the Kendal and Windermere Railway built a branch line to it. It is in the county of Cumbria and entirely within the Lake District National Park.

Akan jadi lokasi untuk melihat ikan salmon terbang di sungai ini.

3 Pengembara:
kebetulan baru2 ni my hubby ada cerita pasal ikan salmon terbang hehe..anywat nice shots.. cantik sangat..
salam iina..subhanallah..cantik..sungguh cantik pemandanganya..terpesona..
I pun xpenah tgk depan mata.. tgk dlm tv pernah lah.. tapi bila come across lokasi ikan salmon terbang tuh.. teruja kejap.. tapi kena tggu bln nov ler klu nak tgk ;)
Kak Erna
Thanks kak sebab singgah ;)